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Invisible Beetle

Invisible Beetle Identified

A staggering new find in the field confirms that invisible insects not only exist, but are thriving. A large and previously unknown invisible beetle identified by an expert.

The new beetle identified can grow to over 20mm, has venomous fangs, teeth like a small shark and has one of the most painful sting ever recorded. He also suggested that it might bore a small hole directly through flesh and bone.

"Invisible beetles are nothing to be scared of, " said the expert, "...just give them a wide birth and don't what ever you do stare at them". He went on to add, twitching slightly. "Some's don't like 'em and they did pay, yes they did pay!"

When asked if there was anything that the public should be concearned about, the expert lead us to a recently dug ditch containing more than 20 partially decomposed bodies. Sure enough, all the bodies appeared to have small holes in them.

Police have subsequently confirmed that the invisible beetles as described could not be elliminated from their enquiries and are talking to an expert about the incident.